Age groups: 9-12; 12-14; 15 year olds and up
Do you love Shakespeare? Do you despair with Shakespeare? Or are you yet to come across him?
Are you studying the classical writers, poets, playwrights? Are you sitting an English Literature exam? Do you want help in your grammar, character study, essays, context questions and comprehension skills?
If so, this course is for you!
9-12 year olds – For younger children we concentrate on reading and acting out the play.
We use the beautifully abridged adaptations of Leon Garfield as well as the original texts. Activities include making props, dressing up and acting out various scenes “on location” (eg. moor, cliff tops, beaches and forest).
Everyone writes in their own notebook, which will be taken home, and everyone takes part in a stage performance for their parents at the end of the course.
12-14 year olds – Young teenagers will be reading and performing from the main text (Cambridge School Shakespeare series), generally one full act each day with a final performance before leaving.
Evenings are spent preparing costumes, making props and agreeing roles for the next day.
The children will explore dramatic themes, plots, characters, motif and language to introduce them to the importance of Shakespeare’s works.
This course will help children planning to take a GCSE in English Literature.
15 year olds and up – This course is for students intending to take A-level English Literature or A-level Drama & Theatre Studies.
This course is tailor-made to study the set text and to improve essay writing skills. A close reading and discussion of the text will ensure better understanding of the historical, social and philosophical background of the play. All students will be encouraged to consider how Shakespeare remains relevant today.
Intensive work will be enriched by a daily local outing to relax and enjoy the chance of being on holiday in Cornwall – naturally involving beaches, ice cream, clifftops, and cream teas.